Saturday 18 February 2012




just feel syiok to share the WWP with you guys

(pls ignore my  SHITE English mistakes)

Dear friend,

          Hallo, how are you? I wish you were in the pink of health. Don't know who am i? Okay, let's close your eye after reading the first paragraph and imagine me. I am a typical Chinese girl, not very tall, my friends always describe me as a ghost because of my long straight hair. Hey hey, not the ones who very terrible. Huh huh, my friends used to call me 'lalat', you know why? They tough my sound very like fly, low and a bit of noise.

        Hmm hmm, do you mind i am just talking about me? Sorry. How about you? All well? 'When nothing goes right, then goes left' huh. Haha, it is a quotes which i saw from Internet.

        Now, i study at Smk Doktor Burhanuddin in Taiping, Yet I am an Ipoh guy. Every time i back there, my dad always said" Shirly, you're black again ! " Lol, always critizied  i black again. Hmm, you're welcome to my hometown and visit me. What about Gua Musang? It's sure that there is an interesting place, right? I am log to go to Kelantan.

         Okay, I have to pen off, wish to see your letter soon. Fare well .

                                                                                                                  Your friend,

Dear lalat,

             Hallo, I am fine here, Thank you. I hope you are in the pink. First of all, i'm sorry bacuse my English is not well (剛開始我看錯,以為她寫 hot well /.\). There will be many mistake in my letter.

            My name is Nadia, a Malay girl. Hey, after i imagine who you are, I think you really like a ghost. Don't be angry with me, friend, Hahaha! You have to know something. "Lalat" is one name who common in my life. You know why? I here live in Kampung Panggong Lalat. Don't laugh! Don't laugh at all. My face will turn to red.

         Okay, let's we talk about Gua musang. Actually, there have many interesting place here. First, Gua Musang have Econjaya Supermarket. You can buy all thing that you need start from A to Z. Next, Gua Madu, Gunung Stong, Tasik and somemore. You can spend your holiday here. No regrets. It is very fun out of your mind box.

          In addition, here we have delicious and good restaurant. As example, Restoran Dalam Taman. The food very delicious and when you come to Gua Musang, you should try it. Don't forget. Hey ! Do you feel boring? Me too. Let's play Mahjong. Come and arrange the files. Sorry la friend. I am just joking, don't be fierce girl laa.....

         Next, I want to tell you something, From your letter, i know we can be a closer friend. I like you character. YOu are so funny. (自爽中) You know,i really fans to your typical who is known as Jet Li (誰來的, 李連傑嗎) , a Chinese actor. He is very good and falented in kungfu.

       Shirly, I have to stop here because i have many works to do. Always remember me. okay? I hope we can meet in future. Lol. Bye. Lol

                                                                             Your sincerely,

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