Tuesday 23 November 2010


School holidays is coming
What can i do during this  holidays...
So bored yah...
Went to celebrate Zhi WEi's birthday...
At Taiping Sentra...
Went i turned up there..
I saw teacher Iela and the other Malay friend... 
After that...
I went to find they all...
Just got cheh fu met with me only...
So embrrassed with him...
And then...
Seon come already...
MOre embarrassment with them..
Until they all come already..
WE startes our celebration...

Just KTV only...
So expensive...
More than forty ringgit one hour....
WE all sang two hour already...
And it was not enough yet...
Seon went to Tesco bought a cheese cake for us...
i didn't eat it...
I don't like cheese cake...
I hate the smell..
I hate the flavour...
Rm 30 for a small cheese cake...
They all also said the taste of the cake was not so delicious...
Because the cake was too greasy...

Happy Birthday to Zhi Wei

After Ktv...
We went to cram oneself with food at Tesco..
I shared a fried rice with hsueh li...
So stupid at there...
Hsueh Li and i standed in front of the stall after we ordered..
Then...the worker come up with two plates...
Hsueh Li and i though it was us one...
Wait...when did us order two plates??
The worker just =.=lll
And aks us wait at our sit first with a bland smile....
What a stupid moment that Hsueh LI and i had done...

We just wait and wait...
"Ding Ding"...
She called us...
We went to take the fried rice together..
And i went to take spoon after taking it...
When i backed...
I didn't see her...
I ask her where did you go just now...
She said :" we actually didn't pay the bil !! "
And the worker didn't call us also...
We done a stupid things again...

i took so many photo of Cheh Fu one...
He want to leave us already...
Despite of he very good at made noise...
After he leave...
The noise will dissapear with him together...
Kidding la...
And made a video of Cheh Fu one...

After this .............
Bye to all my friend lo....
Seon~the guy who bought the cheese cake one..
Qiao Ting at that day very cute lo..^^


  1. hei!are u sure is yesterday?not saturday 吗?

  2. Yesterday is include the day before today la...=.=lll......
