Friday 14 September 2012


attention !!!

My trial just ended on Thursday with the last paper, Account

Account.... GG.Com ..

A's was hopeless already.....haizzzZZ

let's talk about my trial exam's experience  :D

somebody birthday on that day...Sri Kota guys sang birthday song loudly when i was facing my history exam paper /0\. . . speechless

when i was doing my calculation , some boys shouted "老婆 ! 我爱你 !"at the top of their block...
kongkam gia >''< beh sia bai...who are your wife ??

same case...but this time they were not shout...they sang song..when I and Soh Lim did revision outside the hall, they sang..............zZz


=。= 弟弟仔!收皮啦 !

I was very shame and hid beside the face turned to red as fast as lightning

there were some bees nets below the rain drain at the hall

school called KAPA to exterminate the nets

I felt that the bees were pitiful as their nets were destroyed 

"劝君莫打枝头鸟,儿在巢中望母归"  T^T

and finally....I'm waiting my result and dreaming ..wahahaha >0<

these day I'm studying, learning, practicing and trying to more steady ..

hope that I can pass the test ya !

Good luck to all my friends !! muakzzzz ♥♥ 

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